This coronavirus thing

(Pandemic Diary - day 1)


From my journal: 28 February 2020 (Friday)

… As for Georgia Death Race, I was thinking of ditching it a couple weeks ago because of my knee injury, but I ran myself through that and I’ve been doing at least enough training to keep myself viable for it.

But now there’s this coronavirus thing threatening to spread across the land, killing people in its wake, and I’ve started to think again about whether I should really make this trip south to be in such close contact with all those people from all over the country (and beyond).

.... now there’s this coronavirus thing threatening to spread across the land...

In one way, I hate to think that I’d let that sort of thing make me change my plans. But in another way, I really don’t want to be sick, and I’m really not that invested in this race, and I’d surely not mind skipping the interruption this trip would bring. At least it’s only me involved in the decision, so I can wait as long as I need to to decide.

A lot can happen in 4 weeks.



Late-night writing (is it worth getting up?)