ES100 Race Day message

(Pandemic Diary - day 161)


From my journal: 6 August 2020 (Thursday)

What would have been Eastern States 100 race weekend is coming up, and I need to post a message for the Eastern States Facebook page telling people that we aren’t sanctioning or supporting any trail or race-related activities that weekend, and advising them to please be safe and courteous out there if they go, and also tempering their expectations for what the trail conditions will be like.

This message could be very brief and to the point, or it could be a bit longer and more philosophical.

The longer version is what I was thinking of yesterday.

It would mention the bittersweet nature of the weekend. It would have riffs about how it might be alright to think briefly about what might have been, but it isn’t good to dwell on that. It’s far better — and far more ultra — to assess the situation as it is and deal with it in a positive, problem-solving way.

I was thinking of pointing to Eric’s FKT on the Mid State Trail as a good example of that.

I could easily get carried away and post something that’s too long and too much — it’s an emotional topic and I’m a philosophical person. I should probably err on the side of being short and simple.

Oh — tempering expectations…

I want to say that the trails are still there waiting you, but don’t expect the weed-whacked, leaf-blown Disney version you’d find if the race were on. Be prepared for a purer, more authentic version of things, (with plenty of nettles), and then be pleasantly surprised (and grateful) when you find sections where volunteers or DCNR staff have cleared some of those obstacles.

And I’ll close it with something simple. Maybe just “Run on”.



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