Serendipity (the right book at the right time)

(Pandemic Diary - day 168)


From my journal: 13 August 2020 (Thursday)

I just want to acknowledge that once again, I have somehow stumbled onto just the right book (The Memoir Project, Marion Roach Smith) at just the right time. It’s a recurrent theme, and it’s also a process or a phenomenon that is reliable enough to depend upon and even trust.

Trusting it isn’t an easy thing, and it doesn’t excuse me from active searching, but it is there, and I acknowledge that and I’m thankful for it.

There’s an analogy that applies — the fable of the man trapped on his roof during a flood. He turns down offer after offer of help, each time saying “thanks, but the Lord will provide”. When he eventually drowns and gets to ask God why he didn’t save him, God tells him “I sent you a canoe and a boat and a helicopter and you turned them all down”. It’s about been open to help and recognizing it when it’s offered.

Maybe that’s the essence of serendipity.



Things turn around


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